From 1963 we raise up broilers on our farm. Since 2015 we only raise up slower growing broilers with a Better Life Label from the animal welfare company Dierenbescherming.
In 2015 we also build a new poultry house, the windstreek house. This house is a huge step forward in animal welfare and sustainability. click here for more information about this unique poultry house. But sustainability is also important for our whole farm. Click here for more information about sustainability in our farm.
In 2015 the two broiler houses are rebuilt for slower growing broilers with an extended wintergarden and daylight windows in the roof.
The picture below shows our poultry house 1, while the day old chicks are just arived. When the broilers come out of the egg, the are direct transported to our farm. Here we try to do our best to raise them up as good as possible to an averaged weight of 2.4 kg.