Farmer and data foundation

In November 2020, together with a number of (data) farmers in the Netherlands, we founded the Boer en data foundation, together with With the aim of making all data flows that are already there and are yet to come, work for your own company. Regardless of the type of farm you have now, there are already many applications of machines, sensors, devices, portals and apps that produce data. Often there is also a program that converts this data into useful tools, but there is usually no mutual communication. The calculations and / or graphs that help your company are often also just missing.

With the farmer and data foundation, we want to provide our own data projects (in which optimization and support of our companies is paramount), give a stage within agriculture and also work towards (full) data exchange between programs / apps. In addition, we want to use this data to determine ourselves with whom we will share it and what it will be used for.

All in all, a lot to work on and we hope this will also raise agriculture to a higher (data) level